What could be better as the first post by our fire if not to say a few words about the Fehu rune. Our company logo.
The Fehu rune begins the entire futhark and Freya’s family. It is therefore associated with Freya and Frey. The Fehu rune symbolizes material and spiritual wealth, happiness and prosperity, signs of hope and goal fulfillment. Literally, Fehu means cattle that in the past were associated with wealth and prosperity.
Fehu shows enormous power and that everything is constantly in motion. Nothing stands still. Energy, fertility and creation can be found in this rune. Likewise, an improvement in the quality of life, the embodiment of desires and the realization of long-term goals.
At the same time we get a chance to show our magical Fehu lamp which is available to buy from us in our Etsy shop.
We hope that our website will be able to inspire you to find what you are looking for in Norse mythology. That our website may open the door to your magical journey among runes and other powerful symbols. Through our website we give you a chance to get to know us behind Fehu Crafts. The Runemaker from Poland and the Priestess from Sweden – and that everything we design and create in Fehu Crafts is created by love, passion and magic.